Tuning with Electronic Violin Tuners

There are many different types of electronic violin tuners out there. Some are cheap while some are pretty expensive. There are basically two different types of tuners. There are the tuners that produce a sound, and then you tune your violin to match that sound; and with the other type you pluck a string, and then it shows on a little screen what pitch your at, and then you tune it until it matches the correct note.

Here are some pictures of tuners:

Electronic Violin Tuner

This tuner is a tuner where you pluck a string and then tune it to match it with the correct note

Electronic Violin Tuner

This tuner is the type of violin tuner that plays a tone for each string, and the you tune the corresponding string to the tone.

Tuning your violin

First of all you need to know what each string's note is. Here is a picture that shows you.

GDAE - Violin Tuning

Use the image to understand what the notes are for each string. The thickest string on the violin would be the G String, hence the smallest is the E string. So pluck a string on the violin and tweak the pegs on it until the dial hovers over the correct note on the electronic tuner. Do this with each of the strings. Remember that standard tuning is GDAE.

Tip:Make several passes with each of the strings. For example you might have noticed that if you have tuned all the strings once, and then back to the first one you tuned, it might be off a little bit. This is because you are increasing or decreasing the tension on each of the strings as you tune it and the violin body might bend ever so slightly due to this difference in tension. This causes the other strings to slightly change in pitch. So make sure you keep on checking and tuning the strings until all are in tune, so make several passes.

We have an online tuner for you so you don't have to go out and buy one. Lucky dogs you! Here is a link to our Online Violin Tuner. This is the type of tuner that plays a sound and then you match your violin strings to the corresponding tune.

Congratulations on tuning your violin!

Get-Tuned's Tuner App
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Comments (11)
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EEK EEK EEK the ANTS ANTS ANT they are going DOWN DOWN DOWN way into the GROUND GROUND GROUND thats how i remember.

by Harry Potter on

where to buy the tune

by maggie on

i want to use the tune in here because i lewrn without a teacher

by maggie on

where do you buy tuners like that

by karen on

How do I tune a violin to a guitar ?

by Dave on


I found out that I was to pluck the string,I was using my bow. How silly of me.ha.ha now I can really play for my Jewish mother.thanks

by channing on

Emily, first make sure the string you are buying is the correct gauge for your violin, my kid boughta string for my granddaughter and it broke after one day the store sold her a cheap string, ibought the proper string and n problems, second, when tuning if using the pegs try lowing the pitch, flatten the note then tune up not going high and tuning back down

by Dave on


by on


by April on

I'm so scared

I am terrífied to tune my violin in fear of breaking a string, and I have practice in two weeks!! I've already broken one before and how do I do this gently without freaking out or breaking a string please help

by Emily on

GDAE - Good Dogs Are Energetic. THats how i remembers it.

by Ashley on
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